Sunday 30 May 2010

Salmon Recipe

I've started a diet...I have to...I need to lose a stone. However, instead of doing it the silly way on just 800 cals, I'm going to do it healthily, with good food and exercise.

So, yesterday my mum made fish and chips...not the healthiest meal. So I asked her to buy me a salmon steak (is that what it is? A steak?!) Or Fillet?? Lol! I need my food to taste good or I don't feel satisfied. So this is what I did to it.

I put some foil in an oven-safe dish and put the fish in. I then squeezed in 2 lemons (although, one and a half would be sufficient, but I LOVE lemon!), some fresh dill, fresh coriander, olive oil, salt and 2-4 sliced chillies. ( I used 5 as hot food speeds up the metabolism, so I eat them too... :-s )
I then 'massaged' the ingredients into the fish and put half the greens under the fish, then the other half on top and then sealed it up. I then put it into a hot oven for about 15-20mins.

Hope you guys try this out and let me know if you like it :-)

Lots of Love from MyFrostedWorldXXX

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